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Phone Directory

Accounts Payable 208-799-3022
Alcohol License 208-799-3020
Assessor 208-799-3010
Auditor 208-799-3020
Auto License 208-799-3026
Building Inspector 208-799-3035
Circuit Breaker 208-799-3010
Citation Payments 208-799-3040
Clerk 208-799-3020
Commissioners 208-799-3090
Concealed Weapons License 208-799-3137
Coroner 208-799-3074
Court Schedule 208-799-3040
Detention - Adult 208-799-3132
Detention - Juvenile 208-799-3153
District Court 208-799-3040
Driver's License 208-799-3138
Elections 208-799-3020
Emergency Comm 911 208-746-4911
Emergency Management 208-799-3084
Extension Agent 208-799-3096
Fairgrounds 208-743-3302
Family Court Services 208-750-2034
Information Systems (Computer Services) 208-799-3126
Judges' Secretary 208-799-3050
Jury 208-799-3020
Jury - After Office Hours 208-799-3025
Justice Services 208-799-3176
Marriage License 208-799-3020
Noxious Weed 208-503-0808
Passport 208-799-3020
Payroll/Accounting 208-799-3024
Personnel 208-799-3198
Planning and Building 208-799-3197
Probation - Adult Misdemeanor 208-799-3176
Probation - Juvenile 208-799-3176
Property Tax Payments 208-799-3030
Prosecutor 208-799-3073
Recorder 208-799-3020
Road and Bridge 208-799-3060
Rural Addressing 208-750-2055
Rural Fire 208-750-2040
Sheriff Administration 208-799-3130
Sheriff Civil 208-799-3134
Sheriff Dispatch 208-799-3131
Sheriff Emergency Dial 911
Social Services 208-799-3095
Solid Waste - billing 208-799-3030
Treasurer 208-799-3030
Victim/Witness Unit 208-799-3073


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